Monday, March 22, 2010

Hw 46: Research & Writing; READ ME!!!

Reviving Ophelia; Saving the Selves of Adolesent Gils
By Mary Pipher P.H.D.

My angle for this post was to discuss the experienc eof school through a female's perspective. Being a girl myself, I only know of my time at school through the eyes of a white middle class girl. But through reading Reviving Ophelia I've realized that my situation isn't so different from the ones of others girls, in different places at different times.
We all know students don't go to school JUST to learn about American History and Algebra. There are many componenets thats add up to the experience of going to school as a WHOLE.
For instance, networking. At school, you have to interact with all sorts of people in order to get through the day. When entering in the morning, your greeted by secutirty, a symbol for your safety. Walking up to stairs, your passed by your peers; signifying that your not the only soul seeking an education. Entering the classroom your welcomed by the teacher; the authority figure, the source of knowledge you are expected to absorb. And finally, if your unlucky, you'll be graced with the pressance of one of the acceptions. Seeing a principal, guidance conslor or the nurse for and such reason.
All these people have titles and jobs that make up the school as a whole. Although, this list doesn't include the people who you don't see that make a big difference to the school if they were absent. Like the janitors, lunch people or office staff.
None of this actually directly related to Reviving Ohelia, I'm just making the point that in order to function well, communication is crucial. But we don't always communicate to the people who may deserve it the most.

Anyways, back to the book.

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