Monday, April 12, 2010

Hw 48- Treatment for Savior/ Teacher Movie

 "Sean (teacher) held his eyes closed, trying to listen to the tranquil voice of the man coming from his portable CD player that he kept on a chair next to his desk.
 He was sitting in front of the window on the far left of his classroom, a yoga mat underneath him while he tried to tone out the noises from he crowded hallway. He heard a bird chirp and opened his right eye to peer out the window, closing in as the bird flew from a blossoming tree branch. He smiled.
He peeked at the clock from his peripherals, even though he knew it was any moment that his 16 and 17 year old students would come bursting in, breaking the almost silence.

As Chad passed, he could smell the strong scent of liquor on his breath as he screamed out a prejudice joke to the small Jewish boy in front of him. An instant flash back to his own adolescent days came rushing back to Sean, as he tried to take a moment and keep his cool.

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