Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This Year in History class...

Oh dear.
I have neglected my blog and now a test on material that we never formally learned about will decide if I pass or fail history.
I supose this is the price to pay for becoming a bonafied slacker in my final semester of high school.
So I've decided to take this blog and turn it into a relfection of my last year here at School of the Future.

Its a surreal feeling knowing that these are the last times you'll be walking down these halls. You can't help but ponder about how you've changed, wondering what you might take with you as you venture out into the big bad world.
What am I going to remember as I slowly transform from a simple minded teenager to a tax paying member of society?
I can't help but want to slow down time, to hault all these resposibilities forcing its way into my adgenda.
I wish there were an age where you were only expected to stare at pretty things and talk amungst one another in peace (oh wait....). I remember a statement Andy once said mockingly about how work and labor is wasted on the young, when they should be enjoying themselves the most when their young and healthy. We work ourselves into the ground in order to guarentee a good pention so that whn we're old and shriveled up, we'll have a nice retirement home to die in.

Looking back, I can't help but wish I had made time for more things (like writing on this blog) since from here on out everything will be a reflection on who you are as an adult.
We seem to be going through a metamorphasis, one I don't quite feel prepared for. Nothings quite as  simple as you thought it was going to be at this age. I have been counting down the days until the one that will be here next friday. I've envisioned in my head what it will be like. I suspect tears, genuine emotion (which is rare on a typical school day) and heartache. But its all an opportunity to leave what may have been supressing us this whole time BEHIND and find a new and better enviornment to grow.

And yet this is also our chance to really make what we want of our lives. We can now cut those parental strings that kept is in tight restrictions. We can now explore all there is to explore without having to ask for permission or wonder if we're deciving our masters trust. We can now persue an identity that doesn't include being underaged.

With all the endless possiblities, how on earth can you choose where to begin?

Before this year in history class, everything was a lot simpler. I knew that I had to fit in nicely to the mold set up for my by society. I would go to college, fit in as best as I could, party, study and try to be the conventional version of happy. Even though I've never quite felt like I fit in well with the "popular" crowd, I always did what I could to convince myself that if I tried hard enough, I could one of them.
This class has helped me realize how absolutely ignorant I was being in thinking that high school expectations was something to remotely care about. I have begun to see and question the things around me more then I have since going through puberty.

I do not accept things that I do not agree with as easily anymore. I feel inspired to speak up and protest.

And I feel that I have you to thank, Andy.
Keep doing what your doing.

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