Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hw 31- Exploring Mehtofs of M,M,C,A & A the self

I haven't done part A right away because I didn't want to insult anyone I liked for being a cool conformist.
Then my sister came home for boarding school and I knew she was the perfect person to interview. Everything she does- dresses, talks and acts- is to fit a precise label of cool. Her facade is "I don't give a shit". More exaggerated, I'd say she tries to be ghetto fabulous aka lil white girl trying to be "down". She wouldn't agree though.
She listens to music her friends like, dances the way guys like and pouts in pictures the way she thinks makes her look "cute". She acts tough, that is until one of her group mates calls her out on her fake demeanor, where she then proceeds to get on the defense that that person is more fake then herself. She is horid toour parents and is typically nicer when she needs money or the car. I feel bad for her at times because she does a lot to appeal to these people who may never take her seriously.
When I asked her a question like "how does it feel to fit in with a certain click" she responded "better then being with people I don't like". Respectable.
So I follow up with "but in what ways to you do things to make your friends like you?"
She then gets intensely defensive and starts exclaiming that she doesn't have to do anything, they already like her for who she is. She proceeds to explain how I'm fake and the ways I try hard to be something I'm not good enough for. She may be right, and yet I feel like I'm better then her. I think this might be how cliques work. People have to find others who are most like them, then identify who they are better than and who they wish they could be.
Jessica wishes she could be the female Eminem, while I sometimes catch myself aspiring to attempt to become a mock Blake Lively (I wish). What makes me think I'm better then Jessica when we practically do the same things, just for different types of people?

After walking away from her cursing rant, I thought of how scared she must get at times that someone isn't going to like her. And it isn't just my sister, its a large sum of people that fear they can't fit in, that they don't belong or may not be accepted.
But like my mom always said: If your fearful all the time, then your not living.

This makes me think of how so many people adjust their ways of life so that their considered cool, and then they become someone they never meant to be.
Its easier for some over others, who are already easily accepted.
I just think if everyone were to truily and genuinely "be themselves and do what they liked" all the time, then we may never get along with one another.
Social structure is what makes the world go round, and without it we may all go nuts.
Yet, its as if we're all trapped and have to decide what kind of citizens we're gana be.
Then we'll know what path to follow to be the best ________ we can be.

Part B:
Like I discussed above, some of my actions are caused by the desire for a bit more attention or recognition, whether to attract boys or seek approval from fellow trend followers.
Its hard not to feel special when you wear an outfit that is desired by other girls and happens to look good for you own body. It gives you a boost of confidence, and air of security that you know how to dress and wear the right attitude with it. But that feeling usually only lasts a day, where your then expected to repeat the fashion show the next day, robbing you of your time, money and energy.
And for what?
To prove yourself to people who may not even care all that much that you own the chic boots from Urban or new dress from Top Shop.

I do this is one of the least successful ways. I only partake in this masquerade every so often, and on the days I don't, I get critiqued and criticized by fashionista's (you know who you are) and informed how I could have improved had I had the blessed gift of style.
This, like everything in life, has to be taken with a grain of salt. I mean it is more practical to be comfortable and warm then suffering from blistered feet and little circulation.

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