Monday, May 10, 2010

Hw 54: Personality Tests

ENFP -  "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)
Extroverted (E) 52.63% Introverted (I) 47.37%
Intuitive (N) 68.97% Sensing (S) 31.03%
Feeling (F) 71.88% Thinking (T) 28.13%
Perceiving (P) 63.89% Judging (J) 36.11%
I was extremely surprised at how many people got "Journalist" as the results for their personality tests. For me, I thought it was very accurate, considering I actually  do want to go into Journalism and seem to enjoy documenting the stories of others experiences as opposed to my own. One of my closest friends, who I can definitely identify with on many levels, had this same outcome too. Even so, I was hoping I'd differ from my peers, especially from the ones I don't happen to get along with or feel similar to. When I looked at another close friends results, I knew it was right on point to identify her more flattering qualities. So now I am concerned and confused. Am I more like these people I feel so different from, since this test doesn't seem too bogus.
As for the percentages, I agree that I live my life mainly on my emotions, so it came to no surprise that my feeling had the highest of all the other qualities. I suppose it was appropriate that I'm about 53% extroverted, considering a lot of my friends way I'm a good listener.
As for the specifics to my results, I thought it was pretty accurate. I am an extraverted person who prefers being outgoing and interacting with others as opposed to keeping to myself. But then again, my moods vary, which is who I wasn't surpised to see the percentages were both pretty close to 50%. I've had moments where i've felt more energetic after talking to someone, which is an exraverted quality. But I also don't mind quiet to absorb the moment and relect on things to myself in my head, away from other people.
 I would agree that I'm more of an intuitive kind of person then I am at being observant. I daydream a lot and can become lost in the beauty of simple things like nature and art work, what some may say is like having their head in the clouds. I also do tend to feel more then think, and act on impulse rather then come to logical decisions. People have said I fall my heart, and when I have an instinct about something I tend to go with it more then following the facts. Lastly, I without a doubt percieve and improvise more then I judge and follow the rules. I not usually one who likes to do things exactly according to the book, I think their always ways to mix things up and try something differently, which irks those who likes to keep order.

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