Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hw #11: Self Experiment

For this assignment I felt the most drastic and effective way to test my relationship with digital media was to take myself off of Facebook.
I usually check my email vigorously; not to hear from my college advisers or internship boss, but to check if I got notifications on Facebook.

So as of last Monday (its been exactly one week today) I have deactivated my Facebook account. I didn't delete it completely because I didn't want to lose all my precious pictures and video's I've been tagged in over the last four years, but also because its a comforting feeling that I could reappear on facebook if I ever wanted.

The time I would usually spend on facebook has been dedicated to educating myself in some way or form. Mostly I've just been reading the New York Times that my family prescribes to or reading a book. This week I've finished Its Kind of a Funny Story by Ned because of all the extra time I had, and am on to another book of his. I'm not really watching T.V. as much either because it feels like a waste unless I am on the computer at the same time talking to someone. I though I would be sranw to watching television more, but now I get lonely watching T.V. by myself and so its less appealing without being on facebook chat.

I've also been going on blogger more cruzing though other peoples blog and writing in my journal more. I've been home sick for most of this week, which has been hard to bare without the luxury of seeing what other people are doing through facebook. But surprisingly I was more at ease and less concerned with what I was missing out on. I was able to focus more on myself and cared less about what other people were doing. My journal entries were more insightful and well thought out as opposed to the entries of complaints I usually write about.

I've been looking to my family more for companionship and only talk to the people who I've really close to on the phone or on AIM. Some time away from the social networking world has been a sort of epiphany. I really don't need to be connected to people all the time. Although I still itch to check my mini feeds and newest pictures, a part of me knows that nothing has really changed on Facebook and a little time away won't make much of a difference. Right now I still have the urge to reactivate my account, especially on the weekend, but I figure the longer I go without it the easier it will get to restrain myself from checking it.

In conclusion, we CAN survive without certain digital media, we just choose not to because its easier and supposedly more entertaining.

Digital Fast Continued:

I felt that my time away from facebook could be more of a benefit to my self progress this semester in addition to my grade in history.

So I have continued to leave my facebook deactivated and will do so until I take my SAT in Novemeber.
Since I deactivated my account two weeks ago, I have been doing a lot more College Research and SAT studying. I don't think I've ever spent so much time consistently working. I go from school work to Internship work to SAT studying with small breaks from my iPod or a book.

I've realized that facebook was the most time consuming of all my other digital distractions, YES even including the television. Without digital networking I am less in the loop with must see T.V. and fad television, and therefore care lees about what shows are on.

I do order the occasional Curb episode on HBO and take time on Thursday evening to watch the office, but lounge on my couch with my remote cruising through the channels LESS and pick up a magazine or paper more.

I am more at ease, less anxious to go on the computer and overall pleased that I no longer have to check the pictures taken of me to see if they are eligible for facebook.

Lets see just how long I can go before I am badgered to update my profile, hopefully not until prom.


  1. Alicia you did this so SUNY schools wouldn't find you on facebook. They don't bother looking.

  2. Also can I borrow your copy of Its Kind of a Funny Story? Thanks.

    stop acting like you know everything about me.
    Its obnoxious, and so were u when u sat in on my class on friday AND your comments to all my blogs. Please stop commenting they irritate me.

    I did this so that I would stop spending so much wasted time looking at people's profile's whom I hardly see or talk to so that I can focus on getting INTO college.

    I am doing so much more productive things now without being burdened with the curiosity of how name notifications I have. Its very liberating, you should try it you'd have many hours of free time on your hands.

    And no, sorry I lent that book to Daniel.

  4. wedding bells for alicia and beatrice!

  5. GREAT JOB ACTIVATING YOUR FACEBOOK AGAIN ALICIA!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 love<33beatrice!

  6. Yup, I caved.
    I fail.
    Thanks a lot beatrice.
