Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hw #7: Interviews

Question: How do you view the digital media today in comparison to what it was in your day?
Robert Proto (father) had this to say about the uprising of digitilization:

"From what I've seen, electronics makes everything a lot more convenient then it used to be. It fantastic that all this didgitilization can allow you to do things I would have never imagined you could do. To be able to look up research and just find general information from the pleasure of your home is remarkable. When i was a kid, T.V.'s had tubes and a set though was always braking and it would be hard to adjust well enough to work, which is not a concern for today. By the time televisions start having problems, its time to replace it which i would do.
BUT... i think gadgets like iPods are a waste, cell phones are-with the exception of necessary calls- a waste... computers that are used for the joy of needless fun as opposed to storing important information, are a WASTE... video games are an enormous waste. This is because you become so obsessed with it and its frivolous pleasures that it takes away meaning in life, like spending time with your family or gaining knowledge from books or interacting with nature. Is that enough of a response for you?"

My thought: This is a painfully standard opinion of a 53 year old father, especially the last part.
Gail Proto (Mother) had this to say:

"First and foremost, I think my daughter spend much to much time watching unintellectual television, and sometimes the SAME THING over and over and checking out what her friends and non friends are doing on the internet... and CONSTANTLY having those friends cry on her shoulders over the phone expecting her to make their problems better EVERY NIGHT. They expect her to always be available and she must always be plugged into THEM even when she is home with ME!"
"I would love to experiment with what it would be like for my family to go a week without the gadgets that separate us. I think teenagers aren't outside enough, experiencing things."

Digitilization is a form of manipulation because you can hear the same message over and over- for instance commercials and marketing ads- trying to convince you of THEIR way of thinking, reaching zillions of people at one time. It has SUCH power, which I think is what helped Obama win the presidency with was how he was able to get his message out.
"Thanks to the patriot act, the government is able to tap into our phone calls and listen to our conversations. This in addition to the countless camera's planted in every building adds into how the government is somewhat spying on us, contributing to our continuous loss of privacy."
"For me personally, I do love the fact that I can enter the data into the computer and then figure out trends and report on statistics and make power point presentations with the click of a button. I love working with computers, but having an elderly father i felt TERRIBLE watching him trying to navigate the telephone systems. When people used to be able to talk to another human being instead of a robotic recording it was better because you can go straight to the point of solving your problem as opposed to a maze of voice menus."

"You know its interesting, I once heard a statistic that said that 9 months after the blackout there was a large increase in births, which proves that when people aren't using digitization products they are interconnecting more with each other... literally!"

"I'm afraid that eventually people will stop experiencing things and just sit and watch other experiencing things on T.V. instead of doing for themselves. I thing face to face communications especially eye contact is a more pure form of social interaction. I've said things on the telephone and in emails that I would NEVER say face to face. So i think its detrimental. Does that answer your questions?"

My thoughts: This response was MUCH better thought out, I could tell my mom had taken the time to brainstorm multiple points and multiple aspects. Most of her opinions were standard, but there were some striking facts and perspectives I HADN'T thought of which is what made her response above my standards as well.

Pedestrians have opinions too:

An employee of the Brother Hood Synagogue and father of two said:

"All this digital technology is a big distraction and nothing but a pain. I have to rely on my phone for my job as a Landlord, therefore it must be on 24/7 and can ring at any time. The blackout was a blessing to not hear my phone go off, even though i had to adapt to that too. But I was happy to get some rest, but unlike me my kids didn't know what to do. Too much digital technology isn't good for kids when they could be reading a book or spending more time with their family."

- Standard and generally common response coming from a hard worker and parent

Two older women, one Hispanic the other Caucasian said:

"All of this new digital technology sucks up too much of your time. I see people on the bus and street and restaurants that sounds so obnoxious when their on their phones, and I've refused to buy into it. (Caucasian woman). I'm a retired journalist and although I found the use of a computer helpful, i never bought a cell phone. Gadgets are good to have but people over use them. Some are excellent and good for safety reasons since you can do things much quicker and simpler. But it also becomes a distraction to your life, and people begin to suffer. I'm a social worker (Hispanic woman) and i've notices that kids today have become horrible writers, probably due to all the informal texting they do..."

- Not so standard on purchases and perspectives

20 year old African American student and working mover said:

"Digital technology is the most INCREDIBLE invention! I use it 24 hours a day for everything. I am very reliant on it for my job and school and in between. I'd be very miserable without my cell phone and iPod."

- Painfully standard. 20 minutes later he proceeded to give out his number to us...

Young well dressed man, assumable to be gay said:

"I see digital technology only becoming more mainstream in the future. People are so closed off because of their little gadgets. People would be so much friendlier without their little gadgets as distractions."

- Pretty standard, somewhat surprising due to his young age

Venetia (biffle):
"I think people occupy so of their time using digital devices because its what the media tells them to do. We're brainwashed to believe that without these electronics you are not in demand and therefore are not living a modern lifestyle. They advertise all these cool new gadgets, making you believe you need them to be happier and less boring. Its a distraction from living life to the fullest. Using an iPod and watching T.V. is not a necessity but rather a way to fill a void and not face reality."

Venetia's reaction is one I've heard before, but not generally from someone her age.


  1. why did you use that weird symbol font? i cant read your fuckin post or it might just be my comp...?

    check yoself
