Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hw #8: Comments to other Video'sss

Well you definitely did this assignment exactly how you were supposed to, which is more then what I can say for my own video lol.
Anyways, this was a very realistic video because infact countless people sit in front of computer, cell phone and television screens with the same expression as you have. You embodied the facial expressions perfectly, mostly because you had a blank stare for most of the video. When surfing the blogs for other people's video's I notice that many people's expressions match yours.

I could tell you were tensing up sitting in the same position for so long , its obvious you were uncomfortable and fidgety being in the same place for so long. This is something i experience often especially when forced to be in the computer longer then i desire because of a homework assignment or conversation gone too long.

Perhaps if we were to do the video again, you could add in some footage about you interacting with other digital electronics like an iPod, television or video game system.

Your post makes me think about all the times I could have used a good stretch or walk outside but neglected my body's aches for the internet of social network. Its not healthy to be in the same spot for so long and staining out eye's, necks and bodies in order to enslave our minds to something we probably don't need in the first place.

Thanks for making such a thought provoking video, you prove a valid point with no words, impressive. See ya in class :D

I know i we discussed (via text message) that we would exchange comments on thursday but i forgot so i'm just going to do it now, partly because one of my partners has yet to put up her video or comment on mine.
Anyways, I really liked your video. I liked it SO much that i nominated it as one of the best (that's right, I totally did) lol.
You did everything that Andy asked and more. You were able to show two natural ways your depend on digital electronics that were more complex then the rest.
But what made your video stand out to me the most was how you incorporated your boyfriends use of digital media and what impact that has on you. I could envision countless instances where you waited to have a conversation with him but he was too busy in his animated world.

What i enjoyed even more then your video was your honest response. Everything you said were things I noticed. I was shocked at how mezmorized and in focus people are when they're looking at a screen instead of taking notice to their surroundings. And even more then that, sometimes people's initial reaction to things that happen on the screen cause them to blurt out crazy things, curse words in particular.

You bring up a valid point that although we gain skills like being able to type quickly, we won't necessarily using those skills for anything else. The only job I can think of where it requires you to type quickly is a secretary or stenographer.

I think the story of your brother is a PERFECT example of how these addictions effect close relationships for the worse. I've seen it myself how your brother turns on the computer game and shuts off all other contact with anyone else. Its not a good way to spend countless hours of time like he did.

Maybe you could elaborate on what its like having a relationship with your brother now that he doesn't live with you. Does he communicate with you via email or instant messaging? Maybe discuss how technology takes away from relationships in the home in a different way then it does with people you don't see every day.

Overall you did a great job on the assignment. I am impressed and continuously blown away. No wonder you get such flawless grades :D

see ya at school mama <333

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