Monday, November 30, 2009

Hw 27: Informal Research

For the assignment where we were required to interview someone in our families we ourselves find cool. I had a difficult time identifying whom in my family I admired the most since I really don't look up yo any of them. My uncle is a bigot, my dad is a nut and my other uncle is sl0wly losing it as well. I didn't want to interview my mom because I figured that would be cliche, and I really don't understand my sister much.

So when I really thought about it, I was stuck between my little cousin and Aunt Tina.
I decided to interview both.
When I pulled my 13 year old cousin Samantha aside and asked her what she thought was cool , she said:
When I asked her to elaborate, she responded by saying:
"What I mean is that I think any genera of music is cool because it can express how you feel and you can relate to it, no matter what kind of beat it is and singer is singing it. Anyone who can enjoy and appreciate music is cool to me. "
"I also think photography is cool, it captures the special moments in a lifestyle. I'm determined to document major aspects of my life so that I don't forget what I was at this moment in time."
I was blown away with that answer, and I realized my little cousin wasn't so little anymore. When did that happen?
"OH, also I think chastity is cool, saving yourself for the right person."
Now this belief was drilled into her head by the priests at the catholic private school she attends and her highly religious parents I'm sure, but I was still impressed that she referred to it as "cool".
When I asked her what she thought was UNCOOL all she said was smoking. "Its unattractive and it has such bad consequences that I don't get why people even start."

Aunt Tina


Venetia Geras thought that cool was...
"Being accepted by your friends. Its great to be your own person and not pose as something your not and in the process find people who enjoy your company."
Do you think your cool?
"Yes because the people I choose to surround myself with like me and I think its cool that I'm accepted for who I am."
How does the way you dress reflect your perception of cool?
"I basically think its cool not to dress like a hobo... I dress so that I look the part, basically to look good. If you don't dress well enough, that how will people ever feel comfortable to approach you?"
What kind of cool qualities do you look for in the opposite sex?
"I like guys who are confident, have a great sense of humor, a good heart and who isn't a slob, basically who knows how to take care of themselves."
Whose cooler, Obama or the Pope?
Obama, because he isn't narrow minded and cool people are usually open to new idea's."

I know I wasn't supposed to interview someone in your class, but I did anyway because I think Chloe Hillman is really cool and I know I'd get a good answer out of her. Her opinion was:
"Everyone cares about whats cool because we're raised and programed to know what to like and what not to like. I used to want to fit in and not I want to be unique but obviously not to the point where its weird. People who say "I don't give a shit" are lying, we all care in some way. We all portray cool in different ways and want others to notice our interpretation."

Street Interviews

Person #1- Aja and I decided to venture away from the school to an area where there were more stores, seeking out people we would more commonly consider cool. A young guy in his twenties working in Miss Sixty store on Park Avenue was willing to answer some of our questions, which is more then what I can say for his cowerker. When we asked him what his definition of cool was, he said in a rather gereric way that he thinkgs charasmatic people (like him) are cool and people who can keep composure under pressure. "Everything is energy, and being involved in it is what makes you cool." I asked if his outfit fits his image of cool and he said "I dress like this becase I want to, because I think it shows energy."
This guy was quite cocky, surprisingly so because he actually was dressed pretty tacky and wasn't all that good looking. I suppose some people build up an image in their mind of cool and somehow try to play it off that thats who they are. He found Obama cooler then the Pope because Obama is more charasmatic, but he lacked and real evidence of why he thought so.

Person # 2- I liked this guy a lot better from the first. He looked rather nerdy, sporting old fashion running shoes, croocked teeth and uncombed hair. He thought that living your own rules was cool and "not letting people tell you how to live." When Aja asked who he thought was cooler, the Pope or Obama he siad "Definitely Obama, because he supports something better then the catholic church.... and he's good looking." He said he thought strongly about being indifferent to conforming. That really made Aja and I stop and think.

Person #3- The last person we got to interview was the hugely buff Fabio looking fellow who is always seen walking around the neighborhood. He thought people who are reasonable and understanding are cool and who don't judge. When we aked him how he incorperated style into being cool, he said he really only cares about being comfortable, which is obvious from the ripped shirt and baggy sweater he was sporting.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hw 26: Pix & Q's

I unfortunately couldn't get an interview for the first two ladies above because they were both in a hurry to either catch a train or flag down a cab, but they were both gracious enough to pose for a picture showing off their outfits. I know this style is something you've probably all seen before from fashionista's of our grade like the lovely Beatrice and Ali Jo, but what I liked most about these trendy women was how they didn't need to be a size two to flaunt their taste in clothes. It was the fact that their average sized young people who poses typical New York fashion mixed with their own bold twists like unique booties and vibrant purses, that I found so admirable and praise worthy. I've always idolized people who make a style work no matter their imperfections, regardless of what other people think and the general followers of such fashion. The first woman I saw was a photographer, and I thought he had exactly the right demeanor for her fast paced job. The second women I hear works for a magazine, so there is no surprise that she would be so well dressed, sporting gorgeous white laced boots I was practically drooling over.

NOTE: The next several interviews were conducted with Chloe, so if one or two of the same people show up on both our blogs its because we both awed the persons fashion. :)

This next girl I saw I practically fell over myself to track down before she walked too far to interview. Unfortunately the picture doesn't serve her justice since in addition to impecable taste in clothes and gorgeous hair she also had reeally unique peircincs including a septum one. She was edgy yet feminie and she had a confidence that I was in awe of. I suppose it was the fact that she could stand out so successfully that made her seem cool to me. When Chloe and I asked her what her perception of cool was, she said she thought New York was cool and that she idolizes trend setters like David Bowie and Lady Gaga. "People who don't give a shit, who are fearless."
This of course is one of the 5 most common responses we expected to hear from people, and I wasn't especially surprised she was the kibnd of person who thought defying the norm was cool.

I like this next girls casual chicness. She was working at one of those booths that sit in the carnval of stands that pop up in Union Square around christmas time, and what I really loved were the authentic leather bags she was selling. When Chloe asked her how much her whole outfit amounted to she estimated around $160 give or take. Mainly it was her Steve Maden boots that cost $120 that made her total so large, the rest of her clothes she said she bought at forever 21. Since I generally think forever has really tacky clothing, I was impressed she pulled off a relatively trendy outfit.

She finds people who know a lot to be cool, who are interesting and funny and who doesn;t judge others. This made me think that she is someone who has been judged and resports to friends who are shy and boring, but I could be wrong.

When I asked what celebrities she finds cool she listed two people I've never heard of, so I assume that she takes pride in original taste which is another perception of cool people take most pride in.

This last person I interviewed so far actually approached me! Its an old friend from camp Anya who goes to Laguardia, and who happend to be in Beatrice's social circle so you know she has to be cool. I especially liked her jacket and boots, she's possesed a style that I've secretly taken notice of on faceook for a while and she has a really laid back personality to go with it. "Being who you are is whats cool... um, not being a loser? lol"
She thought that NOT trying to be a part of a group is whats cool, I assume she meant conforming to a certain social circle or being labled. She liked being comfortable, reffering to her outfit and her lifestyle. It was a slighty different answer then most, but I guess being comfortable with yourself is the same as being yourself and that of course is what we're all encouraged to do.
I really liked this responbse because it didn't seem like she was TRYING to be cool when saying it like some others are.
I'm a little disatisfied with myself for not interviewing any men even though there were plenty of good looking ones I wish I had worked up the nerve to approach. But generally since I am a girl I only usually pay more attention to other cool girls.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw 25: Story comments

Part 1:My Story comments to various peers:


I really enjoyed your story, probably because I'm such a romantic and you really embodied how this guy had a thing for this girl with out flatly saying so in one sentence. You compressed the scene nicely and its easy to tell that your interpretation of cool is someone who doesn't think their too good for anyone.
I think a reoccurring problem in high school is that when teenagers (especially girls) grow out of their awkward stages and into their good looks, they become superficial and egotistical over it. Its clear that an ideally cool girl to you would have confidence and modesty.

Great job :)
- Alicia

This was your story?
Andy read it in class two Friday's ago and I was blown away.
I'm pleasantly surprised it was your story, I never knew how well you wrote. You did a fantastic job with this assignment, for one because you didn't write about the typical type of cool but the more admirable type, like a father who would do anything for his kids. For two you wrote about a realistic scenario as opposed to a fantasy heroine like most of us wrote about.

I thought it was brilliant how you included the mother's boyfriend as the "typical" form of cool that most kids would idolize more because of his flashy luxuries, but that in the end it took the death of the father for the kid to realize how very amazing his own father was.

You used examples like working two jobs but always making time for the children in his life, including one who weren't even biologically his, to embody how he put others first, a quality most kids overlook in their parents.

Very very well done, I plan on looking at you blog more often and look forward to reading what else you have contribute to this class.


- Alicia

I didn't know this was your story being read aloud on Friday! I thought it was very well written and a perfect example how how people fall under PRESSURE to be cool.
This is definitely a conflict that has popped up before, for some reason in high school slacking off and not giving a shit is seen as bad ass and way cooler then doing well.
I'm not sure if I'm right, but it seems like in the last paragraph when Mike finally decides to circle the correct answer and get the grade he deserved, you were portraying that being true to yourself is much cooler then dumbing yourself down to "appear" cool.

Great work

- Alicia

Hey mommy, I'd like to tell you that I really enjoyed your story, simply because this is YOU and you are definitely one of the coolest people I know.

I can tell cool to you is a person who makes their own rules, follows their own trends and doesn't let anyone interfere with who she is.

I like how you embodied all that in your story with one compressed scene just like we were supposed to. You used a common example that we all go through, except your character portrays a complex trait that no other person had. They are independent, rebellious yet not in a way that insults the intelligence of others.

I agree that being cool is trying your best to do well but with out imposing consequences to your true beliefs.

Lovely job hun <3 - Alicia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
I read your story Thursday night, I loved it then and I love it now. Its not just because I would personally like your character and their spontaneous act of enthusiasm, but the fact that they are bold enough to do what they want when they want is a quality that is in fact cool. I like that you used a simple, compressed example that I'm sure you may have experienced in your class once before. That being said, you also envisioned a scenario that said a lot in not so many words which to me encompasses good writing skills. I like that you character does something unexpected especially for their personality. He is an attentive well behaved student who can also have a great time and be somewhat of a trend setter. He was able to stand up to the teacher without insulting or threatening their authority, which is pretty rare for our age and this school. You didn't have a hero who did something extreme or badass like most people would have,you had a typical average joe (or ryan) who did something that HE would be proud of which is better then any typically common act of "cool". Pretty prettyprettyprettypretty well done. :D - Alicia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max, I was pleasantly surprised you actually did this assignment. Nice to see you have a creative side. Your story was interesting and although you were straight forward wit your perception of whats cool you suggested it in a different way then others. I got from your story that a quality you find cool in people is trust and loyalty. Although it took tragedy for both Pascal and Roxy to help them relate to one another, there were still able to confide in each other because of the common bond which wasn't easy for Pascal. Your cool person seems a lot more realistic, sadly, then most others. The people who are seen as cool are typically those who think their better then everyone else, which makes your character the most believable. You embodied the egotistical jerk quite nicely, well done. :) - Alica ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beabear, Huh, interesting character. It sounds like something you'd see in the movies, the mysterious unpredictable cool new kid who everyone wonders about but can't quite figure out. I like her attitude of not caring what others thought and being bold enough to stand up and speak when no one else would. Its seems to me you admire people who groove to the beat of their own drums and makes it work because they believe it works. She doesn't need the reassurance of others, nor does she care about what is the norm. That is definitively a quality most people would find cool. I loved the way you structured your story too, you compressed it into a couple scenes that easily embodied the personality of your character. I thought I had figured your character out as the badass rebel who wasn't afraid to take fashion risks and who went against school rules by listening to music in class and walking in late. But then she stood up and showed an intellectual side, proving she was more that met the eye. I like that. Well done gurl :) - Alicia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 2: Analysis of stories

This was such an eye opening assignment, what an interesting way to get to know my peers. A lot of these stories reflected the values of typical American teenagers. They idolize the rebellious noble person who defies the norm and does there own thing, but successfully.

I was impressed at how many people included academics in their stories, how even though most of us seem like we don't give a shit, deep down we desire to have great social lives while also managing good grades and intellectuality.

I thought Evan's was the most realistic story, a dilemma many people striving to be cool face. There is such pressure in society to have come form of social status that some people have to dumb themselves down to accomplish such image. The desire to fit in can over power the skill to excel and do well. The baffling part is that no one would think that someone who tries so hard to be cool that they purposely fail is cool, but instead pretty desperate.

But the stories that stood out the most to me were ones that didn't discuss high school coolness, but real life cool like Chris R's and Ali Jo's. Something I stressed in my other blog post was how our image of whats cool varies with our moral values, something that is increasingly changing as we get older. Its seems that as we age, its the little things that satisfy us more then our image or physical demeanor. Once we have more purpose and responsibility, people begin to have a better appreciation, its just hard to get the younger generation to value life in the same way.

A majority of the stories told the short tale of trend setters, teenagers who don't wait to be told the rules but sets them for themselves. Its blatantly obvious that this generation idolizes people who stand out and only conforms to whats trendy but not so much that everyone has it. A lot of people want to be praised for their originality more then they'd like to admit how much they want to fit in. Its seems like unique style only works when you have a following, otherwise it comes across as weird or obnoxious.

It also seems, like we discussed in class previously, that having a voice that is projected and listened to, is also perceived as cool. Take Conor's story. The trouble maker had a bad attitude and a colorful vocabulary that he used to put down another and did so that it humored his freind. But it wasn't until someone was louder that he shut up, proving that volume dominates which gave the girl leverage.

Baically, cool lies within the eyes of the beholder and you can only really be cool if you respect yourself and have the respect of others.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hw 24- Short Story

The fall leaves fell from the orange trees onto Nate's shoulder as he walked up the steps to his small High School in lower Manhattan, New York. He took a moment to breath in the fresh morning air, closing his eyes to grasp the peaceful quiet moment so rare in this city. He was slightly late because he had to walk his little cousin to School and lost track of time in losing himself in the conversation with this bright little person. He walked in calm and collective, not trying to give any lame excuses or avoid security, just wrote his name on the late list and made his way to his first class.

Making an entrance to an already in session class cost him various stares, but he just nodded to the teacher and apologized for being late. Mr. Mork was usually austere when it came to tardiness, but Nate was a impeccable student so he just nodded back and continued with the lesson.
As Nate stood behind his seat and took off his jacket he noticed a few lingering glances, including one from Chad the theater star who was biting on his lower lip as he peeked at him before turning back to the front.

Nate sat next to Stacy, whom he had several affable conversations with but who generally didn't care for him. She was aloof to his entrance, which made her that much more intriguing to him.
She was an abstruse girl who was obsessed with the environment, something he always found fascinating to hear about from her. But he could tell she wasn't exactly allured with the thought of him ever since Veronica started making snide remarks about how Stacy never had a chance with Nate. He looked up and saw Veronica staring him down. He felt the iPhone in his pocket vibrate.

Veronica: "Nateeeeeeeeee... I missed you in the caff this morning, how was your weekend?"

Nate: "Pretty good V, how bout yours?"

Veronica: "Hahaha omg SO crazy, the party I told you about got shut down, there were mad heads in the streets so we just booked it to James freeeeeeeee with like 10 L's, I was sooo done."

Nate: "Really? Sounds like last weekend."

"yeah it was pop'in. You should come next time"

Although Veronica and her group of friends made up a small percentage of the student body, they still dominated the halls with their intimidating attitudes that made them unapproachable to anyone who wasn't a facebook junky.

Nate typically tuned down her invitations to parties. Rather he went to concerts and shows on the weekends, appreciating art and partaking in new experiences and meaningful relationships. Drunken hookups and racy photo shoots seemed tiring to him, you could only do it so many times before it felt routine.

Nate enjoined talking to people with different interest then his, able to learn something new while letting the person light up about their passion. He could photograph Stacy all day long and embody how she fervently described the green guide segment she saw on National Geographic.

Nate sat and sighed, took out his notebook to a clean page that had not yet been touched with notes or doodles. He outlined the corner of his notebooks with the faces of strangers he hoped to meet in exotic places in countries far from here, places where you adjust to a new culture and appreciate the natural beauty of the world.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw 23- Exploration of Cool

The concept of cool frustrates me, probably because I never considered myself that cool in the first place. I'd like to think that I don't try really hard to meet other people's standards of cool yet, I'm not bold enough to be so rebellious that I'm a trendsetter. I sort of blend into the background, which I think is way better then conforming to something don't like or respect. Being "cool" is a part of Highschool, and even though nobody likes everyone in their grade or school, people still care what the people around them think of them.

There are so many different interpretations of cool. It cannot be defined with one universal definition because not every one person thinks the same and therefore won't agree completely.
According to Wikipedia, Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style, influenced by and a product of the "spirit of the times". Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning. It has associations of composure and self-control and often is used as an expression of admiration or approval.

This definition is dead on, cool is basically an expression of admiration and approval. For someone to think another is cool is to look up to them and perhaps in certain situations mimic them.

It seems though that there is always a ranking of cool rather then just one type. Someone can be cool by association, meaning its who they know that makes them well liked. Someone can be cool for the their property, for instance the stylish clothes they wear, the cars they drive the money they will inherit. And more commonly cool is someone who breaks the norm, who isn't afraid to be different and does so successfully.
I think people who are cool and people who try to be cool are two different things. In all the movies, "trying" to be cool is considered uncool, but not giving a shit is whats admirable.

Cool really isn't a term used by all people, its really something important in youth. When your young you have no real responsibility, no bills to worry about or taxes to pay. We have a lot more time to interact with our peers and devote more energy into fitting in. It seems in high school everyone wants to be well liked, if not by the majority then at least amongst the group of people they associate themselves with.

For adults though, being cool is not what a teenager would think is cool, they care more about moral standards and being proper. I suppose as you get older, its not as important to be cool as it is to be happy. For teenagers, we think we can't possibly be happy unless we're considered cool. But over time, I think people realize that life isn't all about fitting in but figuring out whats really important.

Cool varies as we grow up. It all really depends on the time period, the area in which you grow up and the people your surrounded by. Some people have a corrupted image of cool where others choose to think for themselves. Either way, I think life would be easier if people just stopped trying to be cool and put as much energy into doing something good for the world.

What I do believe more then anything is that no matter your age, gender, ethnicity or background, it is NEVER cool to gain social status by putting others down. Many people think it shows self confidence and power to be mean to another, when really its only an attempt to make another person feel worse and less significant then they do. Its lame, cruel and inhumane to purposely seek out to hurt another, friend or no friend. Bullying is pathetic and weak, and the most uncool quality I can think of.

My definition of cool is a person who tries to be nice to everyone, and if people aren't willing to be nice back then that's their problem. But the best revenge for any problem is HAPPINESS.
And therefore, the coolest people in the world are usually the happy ones who achieve such happiness peacefully.

Hw 21: Art Project; Our brains our lives

I unfortunately didn't get to make my project into what I originally envisioned, but I did get close enough.

Feed sparked my idea to have various drawings of the human head where we could see inside the brain. I wanted to make a flip book or a variety of brains from children to teenagers to adults to conformists to rebels and so on. But I wasn't able to capture all of that with the time I had, so I narrowed it down to four heads.

One is a portrait of a normal brain, as to express what humans are today. Another holds all our digital gadgets and the devices that consume our time and concentration. A third is what the brain would look like with a feed computer chip were inside of it, and the forth holds what people commonly view as happiness. I organized it in a way so that each picture had a different colored backround, and It will slightly resemble the art Andy Warhol use to do.

My art is definitely a mirror, reflecting life and certain interpretations. Although I would have enjoined to be creative enough to have my art be a hammer, I just don't think I am capable of making people think in a way that's different from how they already do. All I can do is express how I see this phenomena and hope people can relate.
I think my art can provoke some thought. I wanted to make it resemble the Andy Warhol pictures as a way of conforming to a certain style, yet have each one of them say something different from the others so that no one brain is the same.
I don't think my art will make anyone feel any extreme emotions, they will most likely think its average.

But I think the most interesting aspect of my art is that it kind of shows how we're all so similar yet always different in some aspect. Although we might conform and although we might appear robotic and fake, we really can be anything we want to be if we put our minds to it. Look at all that was accomplished because someone had an idea, I think that's possible for anyone with dreams and ambition and the desire to live.

The picture of my art will be up shortly, thanks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Alicia Proto’s Big Paper on Digitalization

Representations of reality have changed significantly over the course of the last several decades and it seems that humans are now evolving along with the developments of digital technology. Digital representation devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions and iPods dominate our focus and attention on a daily basis and have for years. The people of tomorrow, or rather the children of today, will be the ones who go through a whole lifetime run by digital technology. You can’t help but wonder what consequences come with so much face to screen interaction and what it means for the future of humanity. It seems today that one can't walk into an American living room without spotting at least one digital electronic, if not more. The widespread integration of digital media in our society has fostered an unhealthy digital obsession and reliance which defeats the original purpose of digitalization. It has become an imperative part of business, communication and safety and quite significant to a well functioning society, causing these various devices to be a necessity that many individuals cannot function fully without. This begs the question if all this advanced technology really benefits our lifestyles or not.

Brief History of Human Evolution

Any native New Yorker knows that the best place to get jam packed information and a clear visual about the evolution of man is at the American Museum of Natural History. Its mind blowing and most of the time joke worthy to observe how humans have evolved from hunched-back harry “Hominidae” - most closely resembling our primate relatives chimpanzees and gorillas- to the what we are today. To think we once walked on fours, hung from trees and relied on plants for food seems extreme, and unless one is a devoured Christian, one should believe it. The textbook definition of evolution is the change in genetic material of organisms from one generation to the next. It is one slow gradual change from one form to another, from an original formation to present state. Species change over time, and with each decade that passes there is a new generation of people that have traits slightly different then the previous. Over time it can be detected easily that our ancestors from millions of years ago had different postures, habits and values then those of modern Homo sapiens. Evolution generally occurs due to climate change, while to human body must shift to adapt skills in their lifestyle required to help them survive. Over past 6 million years, the climate has changed drastically and human beings had to go on adjusting to their criteria’s. Today, global warming, or climate change, is a subject that shows no sign of cooling down, caused by pollutants we put there. We are the ones molding the climate and may have to adjust to the consequences we caused ourselves. It would be a shame to think that after all man has become we would be taking a step back in the direction we came.

Brief History of Electronics

In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb which allowed light to be accessible in all places for all people. Although he wasn’t the first to experiment with electricity, he did start a trend that would evolve into a skyrocketing business of must need innovations. Electricity, required to light a light bulb, is a basic part of nature and is one of the most widely used forms of energy. We get electricity from the conversion of other sources of energy like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, that power up our daily electronics including digital representation devices.

A digital system is powered by electricity, and uses two state, either on/off or high/low voltage pulse, to encode, receive and transmit information. Digital electronics is a technology that underlie digital techniques (The Essential Dictionary of Science). These powerful little devices provide a means for storing, transmitting, processing and reconstructing information of all kinds. There have been a phenomena of the late twentieth century and an uprising in the twenty-first of these electronics. Thanks to all the digital exposure, many people cannot go a day without using one of these devises to communicate, work or relax.

For every one invention, there are 5 more Interpretations Just like It

In this day and age we are constantly “upgrading” to devices that are smaller, easier to use and prettier to look at. For every one new idea it seems like there are 5 more variations. Although competition is what makes the businesses of this lovely Country keep their prices affordable, it is still mind blowing how many products are pitched to us claiming it’s a “must have”. This as already occurred with cell phones, music players, television networks, and computers. Every other year there has to be the release of a new version of an original device. Companies are always looking for ways to improve their already adequate product in fear that the competition will come up with the next best thing first. “Was good before, now its better.”

These constant innovations encourage us to keep up with the trends, always have the best and flaunt what everyone is bound to have eventually.

“Images challenge us to be better consumers rather then better people.”

America has become one of the most in demand countries in the world. Once something is invented and can be produced and shipped internationally, there is no doubt that it will be available to American’s who seek to purchase it. Thanks to constant updates on our digital representation devices, most of the gadgets we surround ourselves with have an ulterior motives aside from supplying us with temporary entertainment. We may think we’re taking a moment to check our email, or sit down to relax while watching a guilty pleasure gossip or reality show, but really we are allowing ourselves to be advertised to and labeled as consumers. In this economic crisis, we are encouraged to buy so that businesses don’t go bankrupt and we won’t have to pay as much tax for a bail out plan. But is all that money really going to a good place? We are wired to be compulsive consumers, trained to buy and buy and buy what can be bought. Millions or billions of dollars circulated, yet to little is seen in third world countries or to truly cater to the environment. In a New York Times Business section, there was an article by Claire Cian Miller entitled Twitter Serves up Idea’s From Its Followers where it states “Companies big and small monitor twitter to find out what their customers like and what they want changed. Twitter does the same.” It seems everything is a marketing opportunity and if big businesses can improve their sales by snooping on possible consumers, they do. If this is true, then perhaps anything is available and nothing is truly that private from other people on the internet.

No Hiding from Big Brother

Author’s like George Orwell and Aldus Huxley wrote books like 1984 and Brave New World that anticipated the effects of a totalitarian government that controlled society by the use of technology. In Brave New World, digital representation devices were used to spy and brainwash citizens of such a Utopia into thinking they were happy, which agrees with the phrase ignorance is Bliss. “A happy slave doesn’t run away” because we don’t rebel against things we enjoy. The devices could supply the people with whatever information the government wanted them to know, and they would never know the difference. Although this is a far fetch from what society is today, in some respects it can be inferred that we are headed down that road. Instead of cooking up our own thoughts in a kitchen, we read off a menu (Andy Snyder).We don’t challenge what we’re told as much as we accept it, meaning we don’t think outside the box nor do we encourage ourselves to participate in constructivism. According to Gavin McCarthy “Its much easier to remember stuff then think about something new.”

Take for instance, the media. Every provider of information can be criticized for being biased or having a lack of an alternate perspective. The issue that can be overlooked is that hardly many people question the sources in which provide them with such information. Andy Snyder once said “Most people don’t think. They regulate what’s been said to them, then eat it back up again.” Although almost anyone can have an opinion, do we ever truly question the facts? Since there are so many sources of information, there are constant updates and new releases. But how often to people view all sources or compare and contrast? Its not as common for people to go out and get original data or research anymore. Therefore we can be told one thing by one source and have to believe it because we didn’t test its validity ourselves. “He hardly knew why he rebelled. Everything was easy, except!- Anything could be true.(Pg 248 of 1984)” How do we know what’s true? How can we know if our belief’s are justified? How do epistemologists explain this?


Are we taking some of the simple pleasures out of life by digitalizing everything? Why go out to a movie when you can watch it from home? Why go on the internet when the library is around the corner? Why text when you can talk in person? Some of the most exciting experiences of life are being cut short because there is a quicker more efficient way of doing them. How can we ever truly appreciate things that come to easy for us. These fast easy working electronics turn us into impatient on edge robots who cannot cope when something doesn’t work as well as our devices do. The screens seems to memorize us rather then induce happiness upon us. Isn’t entertainment more fun to talk about after then to actually watch? In times of boredom, struggle or stress we turn to distractions to experience, if just for a small amount of time, the pleasures from a source that doesn’t really exist. What’s the point of human interaction anymore when there are computers, iPods and televisions. According to a report on Social Isolation and New Technology,

“A widely-reported 2006 study argued that since 1985 Americans have become more socially isolated, the size of their discussion networks has declined, and the diversity of those people with whom they discuss important matters has decreased.”

And on the other hand, it isn’t even about convenience, but social expectation and conformity. These once useful gadgets are now serving a different purpose, to higher our ranking of power and popularity. We use our cell phones, iPods and gaming systems as accessories to show how in demand we are, how many trends we can conform to and what little originality people strive for anymore. Its all keep up with pop culture and not falling behind the curve. In M.T. Anderson’s novel Feed, his main character Titus struggles with this very expectation he is pressured to follow. “

Alternative Point of View

Of course, not all technology and representation devices are bad. Its not easy to resist using them because they have made life so much easier, bearable and functional.

For those with social disorders, and escape from reality is comforting. Televisions don’t discriminate, challenge or require work to understand. It is just a series of images that catch the interest of the eye, as opposed to a scrambled bunch of words on a page.



H.W. 20; Revised draft

Alicia Proto’s Big Paper on Digitalization

(What comes next?)

Representations of reality have changed significantly over the course of the last several decades and it seems that humans are now evolving along with the developments of digital technology. Digital representation devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions and iPods dominate our focus and attention on a daily basis and have for years. The people of tomorrow, or rather the children of today, will be the ones who go through a whole lifetime run by digital technology. You can’t help but wonder what consequences come with so much face to screen interaction and what it means for the future of humanity. It seems today that one can't walk into an American living room without spotting at least one digital electronic, if not more. The widespread integration of digital media in our society has fostered an unhealthy digital obsession and reliance which defeats the original purpose of digitalization. It has become an imperative part of business, communication and safety and quite significant to a well functioning society, causing these various devices to be a necessity that many individuals cannot function fully without. This begs the question if all this advanced technology really benefits our lifestyles or not.

Brief History of Human Evolution

Any native New Yorker knows that the best place to get jam packed information and a clear visual about the evolution of man is at the American Museum of Natural History. Its mind blowing and most of the time joke worthy to observe how humans have evolved from hunched-back harry “Hominidae” - most closely resembling our primate relatives chimpanzees and gorillas- to the what we are today. To think we once walked on fours, hung from trees and relied on plants for food seems extreme, and unless one is a devoured Christian, one should believe it. The textbook definition of evolution is the change in genetic material of organisms from one generation to the next. It is one slow gradual change from one form to another, from an original formation to present state. Species change over time, and with each decade that passes there is a new generation of people that have traits slightly different then the previous. Over time it can be detected easily that our ancestors from millions of years ago had different postures, habits and values then those of modern Homo sapiens. Evolution generally occurs due to climate change, while to human body must shift to adapt skills in their lifestyle required to help them survive. Over past 6 million years, the climate has changed drastically and human beings had to go on adjusting to their criteria’s. Today, global warming, or climate change, is a subject that shows no sign of cooling down, caused by pollutants we put there. We are the ones molding the climate and may have to adjust to the consequences we caused ourselves. It would be a shame to think that after all man has become we would be taking a step back in the direction we came.

Brief History of Electronics

In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb which allowed light to be accessible in all places for all people. Although he wasn’t the first to experiment with electricity, he did start a trend that would evolve into a skyrocketing business of must need innovations. Electricity, required to light a light bulb, is a basic part of nature and is one of the most widely used forms of energy. We get electricity from the conversion of other sources of energy like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, that power up our daily electronics.

A digital system are powered by electricity, and uses two state, either on/off or high/low voltage pulse, to encode, receive and transmit information. Digital electronics is a technology that underlie digital techniques (The Essential Dictionary of Science). These powerful little devices provide a means for storing, transmitting, processing and reconstructing information of all kinds. There have been a phenomena of the late twentieth century and an uprising in the twenty-first of these electronics. Thanks to all the digital exposure, many people cannot go a day without using one of these devises to communicate, work or relax.

“Images challenge us to be better consumers rather then better people.” (Yes this purposely is my heading…)

America has become one of the most in demand countries in the world. Once something is invented and can be produced and shipped internationally, there is no doubt that it will be available to American’s who seek to purchase it. Thanks to constant updates on our digital representation devices, most of the gadgets we surround ourselves with have an ulterior motives aside from supplying us with temporary entertainment. We may think we’re taking a moment to check our email, or sit down to relax while watch a guilty pleasure show, but really we are allowing ourselves to be advertised to and labeled as consumers. In this economic crisis, we are encouraged to buy so that businesses don’t go bankrupt and we won’t have to pay as much tax for a bail out plan. But is all that money really going to a good place? We are wired to be compulsive consumers, trained to buy and buy and buy what can be bought. Millions or billions of dollars circulated, yet to little is seen in third world countries or to truly cater to the environment. In a New York Times Business section, there was an article by Claire Cian Miller entitled Twitter Serves up Idea’s From Its Followers where it states “Companies big and small monitor twitter to find out what their customers like and what they want changed. Twitter does the same.” It seems everything is a marketing opportunity and if big businesses can improve their sales by snooping on possible consumers, they do. If this is true, then perhaps anything is available and nothing is truly that private from other people on the internet.

No Hiding from Big Brother

Books like 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by

For every one invention, there are 5 more Interpretations Just like It

In this day and age we are constantly “upgrading” to devices that are smaller, easier to use and prettier to look at. For every one new idea it seems like there are 5 more variations. Although competition is what makes the businesses of this lovely Country keep their prices affordable, it is still mind blowing how many products are pitched to us claiming it’s a “must have”. This as already occurred with cell phones, music players, television networks, and computers. Today the most recent victim or numerous interpretation are


Are we taking some of the simple pleasures out of life by digitalizing everything? Why go out to a movie when you can watch it from home? Why go on the internet when the library is around the corner? Why text when you can call? Some of the most exciting experiences of life are being cut short because there is an easier more efficient way of doing them. How can we ever truly appreciate things that come to easy for us. These fast easy working electronics turn us into impatient on edge robots that cannot cope when something doesn’t work as well as out devices do.

And now, it isn’t even about convenience, but social expectation and conformity. These once useful gadgets are now serving a different purpose, to higher our ranking of power and popularity. We use our cell phones, iPods and gaming systems as accessories to show how in demand we are, how many trends we can conform to and what little originality people strive for anymore. Its all keep up with pop culture and not falling behind the curve. In M.T. Anderson’s novel Feed, his main character Titus struggles with this very expectation he is pressured to follow. “ (

Alternative Point of View

Of course, not all technology and representation devices are bad. Its not easy to resist using them because they have made life so much easier, bearable and functional.



Sunday, November 8, 2009

HW# 18: Most reccent Draft Of Big Paper

Representations of reality have changed significantly over the course of the last several decades and it seems that humans are now evolving along with the developments of digital technology. Digital representation devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions and iPods dominate our focus and attention on a daily basis and have for years. The people or tomorrow, or rather the children of our future will be the ones who go through a whole lifetime run by digital technology. You can’t help but wonder what consequences come with so much face to screen interaction and what it means for our futures. It seems today that one can't walk into an American living room without spotting at least one digital electronic, if not more. The widespread integration of digital media in our society has fostered an unhealthy digital obsession and reliance which defeats the original purpose of digitalization. It has become an imperative part of business, communication and safety and quite significant to a well functioning society, causing these various devices to be a necessity that many individuals cannot function fully without. This begs the question if all this advanced technology really benefits our lifestyles or not.

Brief History of Humans and Electronics

Any native New Yorker knows that the best place to get jam packed information and a clear visual about the evolution of man is at the American Museum of Natural History. Its mind blowing and most of the time joke worthy to observe how humans have evolved from hunched-back harry “Hominidae” - most closely resembling our primate relatives chimpanzees and gorillas- to the what we are today. To think we once walked on fours, hung from trees and relied on plants for food seems extreme. The textbook definition of evolution is the change in genetic material of organisms from one generation to the next. It is one slow gradual change from one form to another, from an original formation to present state. Species change over time, and with each decade that passes there is a new generation of people that have traits slightly different then the previous. Over time it can be detected easily that our ancestors from millions of years ago had different postures, habits and values then those of modern Homo sapiens. It would be a shame to think that after all man has become we would be taking a step back in the direction we came.

A digital system uses two state, either on/off or high/low voltage pulse, to encode, receive and transmit information. Digital electronics is a technology that underlie digital techniques. (The Essential Dictionary of Science) These powerful little devices provide a means for storing, transmitting, processing and reconstructing information of all kinds. There have been a phenomena of the late twentieth century and an uprising in the twenty-first. Thanks to all the digital exposure, many people cannot go a day without using one of these devises to communicate, work or relax.

“Images challenge us to be better consumers rather then better people.” (Yes this purposely is my heading…)

America has become one of the most in demand countries in the world. Once something is invented and can be produced and shipped internationally, there is no doubt that it will be available to American’s who seek to purchase it. Thanks to constant updates on out digital representation devices, most of the gadgets we surround ourselves with have an ulterior motives aside from supplying us with temporary entertainment. We may think we’re taking a moment to check our email, or sit down to relax while watch a guilty pleasure show, but really we are allowing ourselves to be advertised to and labeled as consumers.

No Hiding from Big Brother

In a New York Times Business section, there was an article by Claire Cian Miller entitled Twitter Serves up Idea’s From Its Followers where it states “Companies big and small monitor twitter to find out what their customers like and what they want changed. Twitter does the same.” It seems everything is a marketing opportunity and if big businesses can improve their sales by snooping on possible consumers, they do. If this is true, then perhaps anything is available and nothing is truly that private from other people on the internet.

For every one invention, there are 5 more Interpretations Just like It

Are we taking come of the simple pleasures out of life my digitalizing everything? Why go out to a movie when you can watch it from home? Some of the most exciting experiences of life are being cut short because there is an easier more efficient way of doing them. How can we ever truly appreciate things that come to easy for us. These fast easy working electronics turn us into impatient on edge robots that cannot cope when something doesn’t work as well as out devices do.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hw #17- Outline suggestions to a partner

Hey Evan,

This is a really good stat, its clear you have a strong vision of where your going with your paper. But I have some suggestions to make it a little more organized and easier to write.

First, and I'm saying this because I overheard Andy suggest it, You may want to consider editing down your thesis to make it a bit shorter and less scattered. Your point is societies obsession and addiction to digital (not technology) representation devices has drastically changed out way of life, in more ways then one.

(obviously this isn't strong enough, but more short and to the point like this)

You should probably map out a series of paragraphs that specifically explain which argument it is providing evidence for.
Use the examples you listed in your original thesis.

- Alicia

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I take the SAT's for the third time this Saturday and I spent last night and today studying and taking a practice test in between my internship work.

I'm irritated and overly stressed that this exhibition like paper was assigned the week before the SAT's and only given a week to write.

I hope to get around to it in Thursday, if not then Friday.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hw # 16: Big Paper 1 outline

I. Introduction
Thesis: Digital media has become an imperative part of business, communication and safety and quite significant to a well functioning society, but this has also made it a necessity that many individuals cannot function fully without, which may be more harmful then helpful.

II. Background Information:Brief History of the beginning of digital technology

III. Argument 1: Evolution of digital representation devices over the past two decades. 

IV. Evidence: Cell Phones, Computers and iPod popularity skyrocket in business and in the home- Past & recent articles

V. Evidence:Reliant on devices for 

VI. Evidence: Future obsession with future devices; what people expect to develop

VII. Argument 2: Perks of Digital Representation Devices

VIII. Evidence: Easier lifestyle

IX. Evidence: Entertainment

X. Evidence: Safety

XI. Argument 3: Disadvantages/ Harmful future

XII. Evidence: Dependency- Digital Experiment/ Movies + Conformity and lack of individuality

XIII. Evidence: Increase of laziness/ more impatient. Less grateful. 

XIV. Evidence: Big brother is always watching; no privacy. Never alone. Always able to track down. 

XV. Conclusion