Monday, November 30, 2009

Hw 27: Informal Research

For the assignment where we were required to interview someone in our families we ourselves find cool. I had a difficult time identifying whom in my family I admired the most since I really don't look up yo any of them. My uncle is a bigot, my dad is a nut and my other uncle is sl0wly losing it as well. I didn't want to interview my mom because I figured that would be cliche, and I really don't understand my sister much.

So when I really thought about it, I was stuck between my little cousin and Aunt Tina.
I decided to interview both.
When I pulled my 13 year old cousin Samantha aside and asked her what she thought was cool , she said:
When I asked her to elaborate, she responded by saying:
"What I mean is that I think any genera of music is cool because it can express how you feel and you can relate to it, no matter what kind of beat it is and singer is singing it. Anyone who can enjoy and appreciate music is cool to me. "
"I also think photography is cool, it captures the special moments in a lifestyle. I'm determined to document major aspects of my life so that I don't forget what I was at this moment in time."
I was blown away with that answer, and I realized my little cousin wasn't so little anymore. When did that happen?
"OH, also I think chastity is cool, saving yourself for the right person."
Now this belief was drilled into her head by the priests at the catholic private school she attends and her highly religious parents I'm sure, but I was still impressed that she referred to it as "cool".
When I asked her what she thought was UNCOOL all she said was smoking. "Its unattractive and it has such bad consequences that I don't get why people even start."

Aunt Tina


Venetia Geras thought that cool was...
"Being accepted by your friends. Its great to be your own person and not pose as something your not and in the process find people who enjoy your company."
Do you think your cool?
"Yes because the people I choose to surround myself with like me and I think its cool that I'm accepted for who I am."
How does the way you dress reflect your perception of cool?
"I basically think its cool not to dress like a hobo... I dress so that I look the part, basically to look good. If you don't dress well enough, that how will people ever feel comfortable to approach you?"
What kind of cool qualities do you look for in the opposite sex?
"I like guys who are confident, have a great sense of humor, a good heart and who isn't a slob, basically who knows how to take care of themselves."
Whose cooler, Obama or the Pope?
Obama, because he isn't narrow minded and cool people are usually open to new idea's."

I know I wasn't supposed to interview someone in your class, but I did anyway because I think Chloe Hillman is really cool and I know I'd get a good answer out of her. Her opinion was:
"Everyone cares about whats cool because we're raised and programed to know what to like and what not to like. I used to want to fit in and not I want to be unique but obviously not to the point where its weird. People who say "I don't give a shit" are lying, we all care in some way. We all portray cool in different ways and want others to notice our interpretation."

Street Interviews

Person #1- Aja and I decided to venture away from the school to an area where there were more stores, seeking out people we would more commonly consider cool. A young guy in his twenties working in Miss Sixty store on Park Avenue was willing to answer some of our questions, which is more then what I can say for his cowerker. When we asked him what his definition of cool was, he said in a rather gereric way that he thinkgs charasmatic people (like him) are cool and people who can keep composure under pressure. "Everything is energy, and being involved in it is what makes you cool." I asked if his outfit fits his image of cool and he said "I dress like this becase I want to, because I think it shows energy."
This guy was quite cocky, surprisingly so because he actually was dressed pretty tacky and wasn't all that good looking. I suppose some people build up an image in their mind of cool and somehow try to play it off that thats who they are. He found Obama cooler then the Pope because Obama is more charasmatic, but he lacked and real evidence of why he thought so.

Person # 2- I liked this guy a lot better from the first. He looked rather nerdy, sporting old fashion running shoes, croocked teeth and uncombed hair. He thought that living your own rules was cool and "not letting people tell you how to live." When Aja asked who he thought was cooler, the Pope or Obama he siad "Definitely Obama, because he supports something better then the catholic church.... and he's good looking." He said he thought strongly about being indifferent to conforming. That really made Aja and I stop and think.

Person #3- The last person we got to interview was the hugely buff Fabio looking fellow who is always seen walking around the neighborhood. He thought people who are reasonable and understanding are cool and who don't judge. When we aked him how he incorperated style into being cool, he said he really only cares about being comfortable, which is obvious from the ripped shirt and baggy sweater he was sporting.

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