Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hw # 16: Big Paper 1 outline

I. Introduction
Thesis: Digital media has become an imperative part of business, communication and safety and quite significant to a well functioning society, but this has also made it a necessity that many individuals cannot function fully without, which may be more harmful then helpful.

II. Background Information:Brief History of the beginning of digital technology

III. Argument 1: Evolution of digital representation devices over the past two decades. 

IV. Evidence: Cell Phones, Computers and iPod popularity skyrocket in business and in the home- Past & recent articles

V. Evidence:Reliant on devices for 

VI. Evidence: Future obsession with future devices; what people expect to develop

VII. Argument 2: Perks of Digital Representation Devices

VIII. Evidence: Easier lifestyle

IX. Evidence: Entertainment

X. Evidence: Safety

XI. Argument 3: Disadvantages/ Harmful future

XII. Evidence: Dependency- Digital Experiment/ Movies + Conformity and lack of individuality

XIII. Evidence: Increase of laziness/ more impatient. Less grateful. 

XIV. Evidence: Big brother is always watching; no privacy. Never alone. Always able to track down. 

XV. Conclusion


  1. alicia this seems like a very good outline. I really think your paper is going to be well structured.

    I like the topic of your thesis and I am looking forward to reading it. However i think you may have missed a few points. one thing to make it better would be to make your arguments more clear. another thing to help set the reader up for the rest of the paper is to add a few words on significance at the end.

    your first argument is strong and i think it is closely related to your third argument, on is on the past and how its happened and the other is on the possible future. since they are related in that sense you might want to put them closer together.

    all in all this looks like a pretty good outline, just find some more evidence and it should be a great paper


  2. Hey Evan,

    This is a really good stat, its clear you have a strong vision of where your going with your paper. But I have some suggestions to make it a little more organized and easier to write.

    First, and I'm saying this because I overheard Andy suggest it, You may want to consider editing down your thesis to make it a bit shorter and less scattered. Your point is societies obsession and addiction to digital (not technology) representation devices has drastically changed out way of life, in more ways then one.

    (obviously this isn't strong enough, but more short and to the point like this)

    You should probably map out a series of paragraphs that specifically explain which argument it is providing evidence for.
    Use the examples you listed in your original thesis.

    - Alicia
