Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw 23- Exploration of Cool

The concept of cool frustrates me, probably because I never considered myself that cool in the first place. I'd like to think that I don't try really hard to meet other people's standards of cool yet, I'm not bold enough to be so rebellious that I'm a trendsetter. I sort of blend into the background, which I think is way better then conforming to something don't like or respect. Being "cool" is a part of Highschool, and even though nobody likes everyone in their grade or school, people still care what the people around them think of them.

There are so many different interpretations of cool. It cannot be defined with one universal definition because not every one person thinks the same and therefore won't agree completely.
According to Wikipedia, Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style, influenced by and a product of the "spirit of the times". Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning. It has associations of composure and self-control and often is used as an expression of admiration or approval.

This definition is dead on, cool is basically an expression of admiration and approval. For someone to think another is cool is to look up to them and perhaps in certain situations mimic them.

It seems though that there is always a ranking of cool rather then just one type. Someone can be cool by association, meaning its who they know that makes them well liked. Someone can be cool for the their property, for instance the stylish clothes they wear, the cars they drive the money they will inherit. And more commonly cool is someone who breaks the norm, who isn't afraid to be different and does so successfully.
I think people who are cool and people who try to be cool are two different things. In all the movies, "trying" to be cool is considered uncool, but not giving a shit is whats admirable.

Cool really isn't a term used by all people, its really something important in youth. When your young you have no real responsibility, no bills to worry about or taxes to pay. We have a lot more time to interact with our peers and devote more energy into fitting in. It seems in high school everyone wants to be well liked, if not by the majority then at least amongst the group of people they associate themselves with.

For adults though, being cool is not what a teenager would think is cool, they care more about moral standards and being proper. I suppose as you get older, its not as important to be cool as it is to be happy. For teenagers, we think we can't possibly be happy unless we're considered cool. But over time, I think people realize that life isn't all about fitting in but figuring out whats really important.

Cool varies as we grow up. It all really depends on the time period, the area in which you grow up and the people your surrounded by. Some people have a corrupted image of cool where others choose to think for themselves. Either way, I think life would be easier if people just stopped trying to be cool and put as much energy into doing something good for the world.

What I do believe more then anything is that no matter your age, gender, ethnicity or background, it is NEVER cool to gain social status by putting others down. Many people think it shows self confidence and power to be mean to another, when really its only an attempt to make another person feel worse and less significant then they do. Its lame, cruel and inhumane to purposely seek out to hurt another, friend or no friend. Bullying is pathetic and weak, and the most uncool quality I can think of.

My definition of cool is a person who tries to be nice to everyone, and if people aren't willing to be nice back then that's their problem. But the best revenge for any problem is HAPPINESS.
And therefore, the coolest people in the world are usually the happy ones who achieve such happiness peacefully.

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